What size solar system do I need?

Use our custom calculator

Are you a Queensland homeowner looking to harness the power of the sun and save on your electricity bills? Look no further than our solar system calculator. This user-friendly tool helps you determine the ideal system size for your home's needs, ensuring maximum energy generation and savings.

Simply input your household's current or future energy consumption into the calculator, and it will recommend the most suitable solar panel system for your home. Our team of solar experts are then readily available to discuss your options, design a customised solution, and handle the seamless installation process.

Solar System Size Calculator

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How do I calculate what size solar system I need?

Determining the perfect solar system size for your Queensland home is crucial for maximising energy generation and savings. While a general rule suggests a 6.6 kW system as a good starting point, several factors influence the ideal size for your specific needs. Here’s more information on determining the size suitable for your home and family. 

Here's how to calculate your ideal system size:

  1. Analyse your electricity bills: Gather your average daily energy consumption from the past few months.

  2. Consider your location: Queensland boasts excellent sunshine (and heat), with Brisbane averaging almost 10 hours of solar-producing sunlight hours per day.

  3. Factor in your budget and available roof space: Larger systems generate more power but come at a higher cost and require more space.

Is 6.6 kW solar enough for a house?

A 6.6 kW solar system is a popular choice in Queensland and can be sufficient for many households with moderate energy consumption. However, several factors can influence whether 6.6 kW is enough for your specific needs:

  1. Energy consumption: High energy consumers might require a larger system like 10kW or more.

  2. Future needs: Consider anticipated changes in your energy usage, like adding appliances or electric vehicles.

  3. Feed-in tariffs: These vary across regions, affecting the financial feasibility of larger systems.

What size solar system do I need to run a house?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer as the ideal system size depends on your specific household and energy needs. Fortunately, our innovative solar calculator helps you easily determine the best fit. Simply input your average daily energy consumption and location, and our tool will recommend the most suitable solar panel system for your home.

To gain a greater understanding of what system would work for your home, our team of experts are ready to guide you through every step, from system design to a seamless installation process. Make the switch to clean energy with home solar panels design & installation in Queensland and unlock a brighter future for your home and our environment.

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