Why choose solar for your home?

Maximising Self-Consumption on your solar system.png

Should I go solar, or not? This is a pretty common question, and it’s a good one to ask. To help you answer this question, we have put together our top 3 reasons why you might want to consider it.

Sure, we’re biased… but that doesn’t mean we’re wrong.

Here are three reasons why you should choose solar for your home?

1. Massively reduce your electricity bills

You will be generating power from your solar panels during the day, rather than taking it all from the electricity grid. This means you will massively lower your dependence on the grid and your power bill will decrease by easily more than 50%! Plus, your energy provider will pay you for any excess energy your system produces.

2. Lower your carbon emissions and help Australia meet the 2030 renewable energy target

Unlike conventional power, solar energy produces zero carbon emissions and will not hurt the environment. It is a clean, renewable process that uses the most natural of all resources: the sun. Once you install solar panels on your roof, they convert sunlight into electricity cleanly and quietly. Within 1 month of owning Solar, a regular home will have saved over 100kg of CO2 Emissions.

3. Increase the resale value of your home

It’s fair to say that not many of the home improvements you make will add as much value to your home as it costs to pay for them. However, the investment that you make in Solar will add value to your home that is more than equal to what you pay for it.

Sam Gardel

Sam founded Gardel Electrical & Solar in 2011, with a vision to create an electrical company that specialised in quality solar design and installation. He is passionate about the provision of quality products, workmanship and results. He aims to support as many Australians as possible to reduce their energy consumption and save on their energy bills.

Sam is a qualified electrician with nearly twenty years’ of experience in the industry.


Is solar energy still worth the investment?


3 ways to maximise your self-consumption & get the most out of your solar